Mark your calendar for our Events, Partnership Opportunities, and Service Projects!
Our 2023 Partnership Opportunities Brochure is coming soon!
United Way of Forsyth County would like to invite you to join us in 2023. We are working to help improve the lives of individuals and families right here in our community through our focus on the basic building blocks for a good life for everyone: Education, Financial Stability, Health and Basic Needs.
As a member of our community, we know that companies like yours want to make a difference. Sponsorships not only provide valuable advertising for local businesses, but they also help to position your business as a compassionate community leader and builder.
By becoming a sponsor today, you're allowing us to host community events without touching one cent of our donors' dollars. Instead, we are able to invest these funds into programs that help residents of Forsyth County.
Join others in making an impact through a United Way of Forsyth County sponsorship.
2023 Events/Sponsorship Opportunities
Martin Luther King Jr. Week of Service
January 17th and 19th
United Way of Forsyth County
Women United "Meet me on the Rooftop"
Thursday, May 11, 2023
Nido Cafe
5:30pm - 7:30pm
June & July
United Way of Forsyth County
Women United - Summer Educational Seminar
Friday, August 11, 2023
Forsyth Conference Center
11:00am - 1:00pm
Friday, September 1, 2023
Forsyth Conference Center
Monday, October 23, 2023
Hawks Ridge Golf Club
Women United Auction
Thursday, November 16, 2023
5:30pm - 7:30pm
To find out how you can partner with United Way in 2023 contact us at 770.781.4110. Live United by becoming a United Way of Forsyth County Sponsor today!