Girl Scouts of Great Atlanta

NOTE: To download a copy of the job description click here


Board of Directors - Job Description

The Board of Directors of Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta exercises its governance and leadership responsibilities by setting strategic direction for the Council, providing oversight of the financial health and well-being of the organization, and ensuring that the management of the organization is effective. Our Board members are a diverse group of women and men who share a common passion for the Girl Scout mission: building girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place. They represent influential community leaders who are entrepreneurs and small business owners, C-suite and senior executives with the region’s major public and private companies, and philanthropists and community volunteers.

Major Functions of the Girl Scouts Board of Directors:

  1. Advocacy for Girl Scouts and its mission in the community
  2. Strategic planning, policy making and fiduciary oversight
  3. Fund development and help with warm introductions
  4. Selection and evaluation of the Chief Executive Officer

Responsibilities of Being a Board Member:

  • Keep abreast of developments and trends in youth development and nonprofit governance to contribute fully to board and committee discussions.
  • Serve as an engaged member of one standing committee and strategic task groups as needed.
  • Participate in training and events hosted by the Girl Scout Council.
  • Attend quarterly board meetings, committee meetings (most committees meet quarterly) and an annual meeting; actively participate in the decision-making process, and express frank and honest opinions.
  • Carefully review financial reports and other materials prepared for the Board and raise appropriate questions.
  • Make a personal contribution of at least $3,000 and solicit funds on behalf of the Council by raising at least $5,000 in additional funds annually.
  • Support and contribute to the development of the Council’s goals.
  • Accept and support majority board decisions despite personal opinion to the contrary.
  • Respect and maintain confidentiality.


Board members must attend quarterly board meetings and serve on a standing committee, meet our annual give/get requirement ($3,000 personal give + $5,000 get) and advocate for Girl Scouting within their personal networks.


For more information contact Amy Dosik at 770-702-9191 or